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Forwarding the press release received from Stop Vivisection 30.11.2016
at the European Parliament: tuesday, 6.12.2016
9.00 am to 1:00 pm
A response to the Commission's lack of accountability
The European Citizens’ Initiative « Stop Vivisection » announces the NEW
3Rs for biomedical research: revamping, recasting, regenerating.
On December 6, in Brussels, Stop Vivisection speakers and promoters will
present a Counter-conference to the public at the European Parliament to
explain the urgent need to do away with animal experimentation and revamp
it both at the institutional and at the societal level.
This Counter-conference is hosted by Eleonora Evi MEP (EFDD - Five Star
As the title suggests, this will be a Counter-conference, as part of a response
by the organisers of the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) Stop Vivisection to
another conference simultaneously taking place on 6 December in a different
location in Brussels, organised by the European Commission (EC).
Despite claims by the EC that its conference is being organised in response
to proposals made by the Stop Vivisection ECI (one of only 3 ECIs that succeeded
in collecting more than one million signatures), we would like to make
it absolutely clear that the conference organised by the EC does not bear
our signature and is not in our name.
What separates the two conferences is that we will address the two major issues
highlighted by Stop Vivisection during two years of intense mobilisation
across the EU:
(1) the lack of scientific validity of using animals to predict human response to
drugs and disease, and
(2) the necessity of getting rid of all the huge political, cultural and financial
obstacles that interfere with the validation and effective use of reliable
methods of research.
Both issues are crucial because of the negative impact of animal experiments
on human health and the environment, in addition to animal suffering. The EC
has proven to be immune to any legal challenge, and blind and deaf to the
legitimate requests of its citizens. Therefore, on behalf of 1,173,131 certified
signatures, our conference will recast new initiatives at the national, EU, and
international level.
A LEGAL COMPLAINT about the inadequacies of the EC to meet its citizens’
requests has been recently submitted by the promoters of STOP
VIVISECTION to the European Ombudsman.
The option of launching parliamentary commissions of inquiry by individual
EU member states, into the question of the validity of the animal model, as
predictive of human response to drugs and disease, will also be discussed at
the meeting.
For more than five decades since its inception, the 3Rs principle (refine, reduce,
replace) that pervades Directive 2010/63/EU and is the mantra of the
EC conference, has succeeded in preserving the status quo and defeated
any and all attempts to end animal testing.
Biomedical research needs to be regenerated and radically renovated, if we
want to overcome the shortcomings of a practice that does not deserve the
name of science. Nor the label of a “necessary evil”.
For info & accreditation, please send an e-mail to: eleonora.evioffice@, specifying your data (name, surname, date
of birth, nationality, identity document, n° of identity document).
« The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as
in escaping from old ones »
John Maynard Keynes
for more information: <>
European Parliament 6.12.2016
Debate on the shortcomings of the ECI as emerged in the
Stop Vivisection case and on the scientific reasons why
it is necessary to overcome animal testing
8:00 - 8:45
Registration & Accreditation
Meeting point: Ex INFO POINT at the Esplanade Solidarnosc
Welcome Speech
Ms. Eleonora Evi
MEP EFDD, Member of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
PANEL I: Stop Vivisection and the shortcomings of the ECI
Mr. Fabio Massimo Castaldo
MEP EFDD, Member of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Prof. André Ménache
Scientist, Stop Vivisection Committee
Prof. Gianni Tamino
Scientist, Stop Vivisection Committee
Prof. Marco Mamone Capria
Scientist, University of Perugia
PANEL II: Alternative Methods, focus on science and funding
Ms. Michèle Rivasi
MEP Greens/EFA, Member of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of
Dr. Ray Greek
Scientist, President AMFA (Americans for Medical Advancement)-video message TBC
Dr. Elisabet Berggren
Deputy Head of Unity, EURL-ECVAM, JRC
Dr. Candida Nastrucci
Scientist, President of TheAlternatives
Dr. François Busquet
Policy Coordinator, CAAT Europe
PANEL III : Ethical Aspects
Mr. Marco Zullo
MEP EFDD, Member of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Mr. Matteo Cupi
Animal Equality (NGO), Executive Director
Mr. Claudio Pomo
Essere Animali (NGO), Campaigns Manager
Closing speech
Mr. Stefan Eck
MEP GUE/NGL, Vice-Pres.of Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Debate, Q&A
FOR INFO & REGISTRATION: [email protected]